A few weeks ago, unbeknownst to me, Google made a (wise) change to its APIs to require SSL for all API calls. This caused parts (but not all, apparently) of the Docs to WordPress plugin to stop working.
This evening I released an update to that plugin that should resolve any problems people had. In addition, I made a small change to make bold and italics come through more consistently.
As always, you can download the latest version in the WordPress Plugin Repository.
Thanks. I`ll test it asap.
Thank you for the update! I love this plug-in. I do have one question though, how would I go about drawing documents from multiple folders? ie. i have a file in one folder i want to go to wordpress and another file in a different folder I want to go to wordpress.
The plugin can only draw from one folder. Generally I designate one folder specifically for WordPress to draw from and call it something like like Send to Publish. You can put docs in multiple folders, and in fact if you have a doc in a collection that coincides with a category — for example a News collection and a News category — it will automatically put the doc in that category.
Thanks! Had installed your excellent and forward-looking plug-in just after Google made the API change and spent several fruitless hours trying to figure out I’d done wrong.
I remember reading somewhere (and can’t seem to find it here on the dev blog) that you used the pipe character to parse headlines from body text — is that an extension to the plug-in, or is it documented somewhere, or was I just hallucinating after staying up late mixing php with too much caffeine?
The pipe character isn’t a standard feature of the plugin, but I just wrote up a post on how to do it: http://dev.bangordailynews.com/2011/12/22/setting-the-head-of-a-post-using-a-delimiter-in-your-doc/
Great work. I am looking forward to the Indesign Plugin, which is the most interesting part for us. Is it available soon?
It’s great you released an update to this plugin it should help us all. Maybe not everyone but anyone having problems with this plugin. I wish more people would also fix plugins sometimes they break when new versions of wordpress come out.
Can’t seem to get the plug in to work. Don’t know if its wp-cron not working or my identification of the folders…how do I know if it is going?
and I am not sure if 0B3fD5mQRsDIJYTJmMGVhMjgtMGM4Ni00YTc0LWdfdsfZjhiMWQwMzVm is
what needs to be in the DOCSTOMP Origin/Destination, which I have set up to read (changed so it does not identify) from wp-config
/** Docs to WordPress */
define(‘DOCSTOWP_USER’, ‘username@gmail.com’);
define(‘DOCSTOWP_PASS’, ‘password’);
If you didn’t find your answer, put the “0” back in front of the folder id.
When is the support for spreadsheets coming?
Great plugin thanks.
Trying to use this, but I keep breaking my wp-config when I add the
define(‘DOCSTOWP_USER’, ‘name@address.com’);
define(‘DOCSTOWP_PASS’, ‘password’);
define(‘DOCSTOWP_ORIGIN’, ‘string′);
WP doesnt return anything when I reload. Any pointers on what am I doing wrong? I’ve been appending it into the standard wp-config file, and leaving the mysql details intact. Any ideas – or wp-config files I can look at would be useful.
William, ignore my last comment – I’ve got the WP site back, config file looks ok now. I dont know what was wrong. However, WP is not pulling the files from GDocs, despite correct folder refs etc.
I wouldn’t append it to the file — try putting it right after your mysql details.
Hi Will, many thanks for creating this plugin.
I’m trying to get it to work and see that some docs are causing exceptions to be thrown:
Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘The requested URL returned error: 500’
I got this message when moving a batch of about 10 docs and the first 5 moved over fine.
So I wonder, is there a limit to the number of docs that can be moved within a single batch? Or, is there a limit to the size of docs that can be moved?
The last doc to get an exception had 21,395 characters and 3,455 words.
Sorry for the slow response. I’ll have to take a look and see if I can replicate. I don’t think the size of the doc would be an issue — I’m sure we’ve published stories that long before and we’ve never had an issue. It’s possible the number of files at once was a problem though. I’ll get back to you here with what I find.