I wanted to credit a few people who were immensely helpful in getting the site up and running.
I’m William P. Davis, online editor at the Bangor Daily News. Todd Benoit is Director of News and New Media, and Martha Ward is Product Manager.
Mo Jangda, who now works for Automattic, which runs WordPress.com, wrote the Zoninator.
Juan Carlos Sanchez wrote the C plugin that integrates WordPress with InDesign.
Mark Jaquith, a lead dev for WordPress, and Ryan Duff provided much-needed freelance support.
We manage our servers in conjunction with Firehost. WPEngine is also a great host that we used for a time until we decided to go self-hosted.
Andrew Nacin, Daniel Bachhuber and Scott Bressler fielded a multitude of questions and developed excellent plugins.
Everyone, including Daniel, at CoPress who truly broke ground in this area.
And, especially, everyone who has ever contributed to WordPress core.
Open Source is superior because of the community around it.